Steinberg-Dietrich Hall, Room 213, 3620 Locust Walk

Policy Seminar: What Does the Fall of ‘Chevron’ Deference Mean for Health Policy?

1104 Blockley Hall

Health Policy Research Seminar: Kelly Yang, PhD, MA, Assistant Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, Indiana University

1104 Blockley Hall

Health Policy Research Seminar: Ashwin Nathan, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Penn

Penn Bioethics Seminar Series (PBS): "Values in the ICU: Ethical Acceptability of a Reserve System for Limited Intensive Care Resources", led by Elizabeth Fenton, PhD

Hybrid: RCH B102AB, Richards Bldg., 3700 Hamilton Walk (and virtual via Zoom)

Hybrid -Research Ethics and Policy Series (REPS): "Covid-19 Lessons Learned from an FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee Vantagepoint" - Paul A. Offit, MD

Colonial Penn Center Auditorium, 3641 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA

HP/LDI Research Seminar: Edward Okeke, PhD, MD, Senior Economist; Professor of Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School

Hybrid: RCH B102AB, Richards Bldg., 3700 Hamilton Walk (and virtual via Zoom)

Hybrid - Research Ethics and Policy Series (REPS): "Decentralized Trials" - Effy Vayena

1104 Blockley Hall

Health Policy Research Seminar: David McMillon, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics, Emory University

1104 Blockley Hall

HP/LDI Research Seminar: Bocar Bo, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics, Duke University

1104 Blockley Hall

Health Policy Research Seminar: Garth Graham, MD, MPH, FACC, Director and Global Head, Healthcare and Public Health, Google /YouTube

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