
Founded in 2005, the Program in Clinical Conflict Management at the University of Pennsylvania is the preeminent leader in conflict resolution training for clinical application. Professionals who complete these programs acquire valuable skills that prepare them to effectively manage conflicts caused by communication breakdowns, cultural differences, and disparate value systems. By encouraging open expression of each individual’s feelings, thoughts, values, and perspectives, conflict management techniques work to promote shared resolutions to the full spectrum of conflicts between and among healthcare providers, patients, and family members. The Program in Clinical Conflict Management has conducted over 40 on-site workshops at Penn, in addition to many others off-site at healthcare centers and universities across the country. 


• On-­site mediation intensives: 4-­day, immersion experiences offered throughout the year at the Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy. Workshops are offered winter, summer, and fall. Penn course credit given. Please navigate to our Courses section for information and dates of upcoming workshops.

• Off-­site conflict management workshops: 1­‐4 day workshops at your location, with the same caliber of training as our on­‐site intensives, but in your setting of choice; especially effective for a clinical team or ethics consult service. Mediation or conflict management training offered. For more information about these off-site workshops, please contact Dr. Autumn Fiester, Director, Penn Program in Clinical Conflict Management. 

• Certificate in Clinical Ethics Mediation: a supplement to Penn’s Master of Bioethics degree; intended for MBE students/alumni who are clinically active or perform clinical ethics consultations. For more information on the certificate, click here.

Upcoming Workshops


To sign up for this workshop, please fill out this form.

  • August 22 - August 25, 2024
  • September 12 - September 15, 2024
  • January 17- January 20, 2025

Autumn Fiester, Ph.D.: Director, Penn Program in Clinical Conflict Management and Associate Chair, Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy

For more information, contact Dr. Autumn Fiester at fiester@pennmedicine.upenn.edu

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