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Hybrid: RCH B102AB, Richards Bldg., 3700 Hamilton Walk (and virtual via Zoom)
Research Ethics and Policy Series (REPS): "Enabling Genetic Research with Diverse Ancestral Populations" with Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBe
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2025-02-11 12:00:00
2025-02-11 13:00:00
Research Ethics and Policy Series (REPS): "Enabling Genetic Research with Diverse Ancestral Populations" with Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBe
Enabling Genetic Research with Diverse Ancestral Populations
Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBE
Associate Professor
Interim Co-Director, Ctr. for Bioethics & Social Sciences in Medicine
University of Michigan
Genetic researchers must have access to databases populated with diverse ancestral groups to ensure that research is generalizable to, or targeted for, historically excluded communities. This presentation will present mixed methods data exploring differences between private, government, and consortium data stewards and how they impact the generalizability of genetic research; assessing the impact of these differences on academic genetic research; and identifying areas for improvement for increased use of diverse ancestral populations.
Professor Kayte Spector-Bagdady is interim Co-Director at the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine. The goal of her work is improving the governance of secondary research with health data and specimens.
Lunch provided. Streaming available via Zoom.
Hybrid: RCH B102AB, Richards Bldg., 3700 Hamilton Walk (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Medical Ethics
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Bioethics Seminar Series (PBS): "Financialization and Health: The Hep C case and Beyond" led by Victor Roy, MD, PhD
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2025-02-18 12:00:00
2025-02-18 13:00:00
Penn Bioethics Seminar Series (PBS): "Financialization and Health: The Hep C case and Beyond" led by Victor Roy, MD, PhD
Financialization and Health: The Hep C case and Beyond
Victor Roy, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine and Community Health
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
How can we make sense of the rising role of financial actors and logics in the U.S. health system and its consequences? To answer this question, this talk will apply sociological analysis of so-called "financialization" in the broader economy to cases in health and raise questions about assets and ownership, value and valuation, and hegemonic knowledge practices. The talk will draw on his book-length project Capitalizing a Cure: How Finance Controls the Price and Value of Medicines (2023, University of California Press), which focused on pricing and valuation of curative hepatitis C medicines, and a co-authored perspective piece "The Financialization of Health in the United States" (2024, New England Journal of Medicine).
Lunch provided. Streaming available via Zoom.
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Medical Ethics
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Bioethics Seminar (PBS): "Embedding Ethics into Bioengineering Education" with Brit Shields, PhD
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2025-02-25 12:00:00
2025-02-25 13:00:00
Penn Bioethics Seminar (PBS): "Embedding Ethics into Bioengineering Education" with Brit Shields, PhD
Embedding Ethics into Bioengineering Education
Brit Shields, PhD
Senior Lecturer, Department of Bioengineering,
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Pennsylvania
This talk will foster a discussion on pedagogical strategies for developing ethics curricula tailored to bioengineering students. It will highlight the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Bioengineering’s Engineering Ethics Initiative, which aims to embed ethics into core technical courses. This initiative is designed to prepare graduates for responsible leadership in industry and engineering practice by equipping them with the tools to identify and address societal concerns effectively. Within the context of their technical training, students gain discipline-specific knowledge and skills, including principles of bioethics, proactive ethical design frameworks, regulatory and legal considerations, funding structures, and awareness of unintended consequences, among others. The initiative is a collaboration involving interdisciplinary faculty and Engineering Ethics Fellows with expertise spanning Bioengineering, History and Sociology of Technology, and Legal Studies.
Professor Shields is a historian and sociologist of science, mathematics and technology. She researches and writes about the cultural history of scientific communities, institutions and ideas. Her work focuses on the profound reciprocal relationship between, on the one hand, science, mathematics and technology, and on the other hand, our society and cultural norms.
More detail to follow.
Lunch provided. Streaming available via Zoom.
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Medical Ethics
Colonial Penn Center Auditorium
HP/LDI Research Seminar: Bocar Bo, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics, Duke University
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2025-02-27 12:00:00
2025-02-27 13:00:00
HP/LDI Research Seminar: Bocar Bo, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics, Duke University
Bocar Ba, PhD, Assistant Professor, Economics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, Duke University
Topic: “Understanding Demand for Police Alternatives.”
Abstract: In a series of experiments, we present evidence of bipartisan public demand for police alternatives, contrasted with persistent policy resistance from key stakeholders. First, our survey
experiment demonstrates that introducing U.S. respondents to (DCTP),
a database of non-governmental emergency response options, significantly reduces reliance on
police for nonviolent situations. However, this effect does not extend to violent scenarios where
no police substitutes exist. Second, our follow-up survey reveals enduring impacts, including
heightened recall of the 988 hotline as an alternative during suicidal crises. Third, our field experiment and qualitative interviews find police resistance to embracing DCTP, despite
widespread public support for nonviolent police substitutes.
Bio: Dr. Bocar Ba is a labor economist and assistant professor at Duke University, who specialized in police accountability. His work takes a close look at where breakdowns happen in the criminal justice system, following cases from arrests to depositions. Using insight from labor economics literature, he seeks to understand police use of force, overall police officer behavior and what cities want from their local law enforcement. His research, funded by the Russell Sage Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Pipeline Grant, has been featured in the Journal of Labor Economics, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Urban Economics, and more.
Dr. Ba earned his bachelor’s in economics and finance at the Université du Québec à Montréal and master’s in economics at the University of British Columbia. He completed his Ph.D. in public policy at the University of Chicago in 2018.
Register to attend here:
Colonial Penn Center Auditorium
Penn Medical Ethics
Hybrid: RCH B102AB, Richards Bldg., 3700 Hamilton Walk (and virtual via Zoom)
Research Ethics and Policy Series (REPS): "Ethical Considerations in Research with Older Adults" led by Emily Largent, JD, PhD, RN
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2025-03-11 12:00:00
2025-03-11 13:00:00
Research Ethics and Policy Series (REPS): "Ethical Considerations in Research with Older Adults" led by Emily Largent, JD, PhD, RN
Ethical Considerations in Research with Older Adults
Emily Largent, JD, PhD, RN
Chief, Division of Medical Ethics
Associate Professor of Medical Ethics & Health Policy
University of Pennsylvania
Many older adults experience fragmented, poor quality, and high-cost care that fails to address adequately their needs and those of their care partners. There is a clear need for evidence to support the adoption of interventions and services that improve their wellbeing and extend their independence as long as possible. Yet, even as the population ages, older adults continue to be underrepresented in research.
In this talk, we will identify various ethical and practical challenges that arise when including older adults in research. We will characterize why older adults can be more difficult to recruit and to retain, as well as ways to account for this. Further, though older adults are not necessarily vulnerable, many are. Sources of vulnerability can include cognitive impairment, which affects the ability to give informed consent, as well as being dependent on others to complete activities of daily living, which can affect the voluntariness of consent. We’ll discuss how to identify and address sources of vulnerability. We will also describe health disparities within the population of older adults and consider how this should inform research.
Lunch provided. Streaming available via Zoom.
Hybrid: RCH B102AB, Richards Bldg., 3700 Hamilton Walk (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Medical Ethics
1104 Blockley Hall
Health Policy Research Seminar: Garth Graham, MD, MPH, FACC, Director and Global Head, Healthcare and Public Health, Google /YouTube
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2025-03-13 12:00:00
2025-03-13 13:00:00
Health Policy Research Seminar: Garth Graham, MD, MPH, FACC, Director and Global Head, Healthcare and Public Health, Google /YouTube
1104 Blockley Hall
Penn Medical Ethics
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Bioethics Seminar Series (PBS): "The Ethics of Normothermic Regional Perfusion" led by Jake Greenblum, PhD and Tim Aylsworth, PhD
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2025-03-25 12:00:00
2025-03-25 13:00:00
Penn Bioethics Seminar Series (PBS): "The Ethics of Normothermic Regional Perfusion" led by Jake Greenblum, PhD and Tim Aylsworth, PhD
The Ethics of Normothermic Regional Perfusion
Jake Greenblum, PhD
Clinical Ethicist, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Tim Aylsworth, PhD
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Florida International University
More detail to follow.
Lunch provided. Streaming available via Zoom.
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Medical Ethics
1104 Blockley Hall
Health Policy Research Seminar: Ravi Gupta, MD, Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
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2025-04-03 12:00:00
2025-04-03 13:00:00
Health Policy Research Seminar: Ravi Gupta, MD, Assistant Professor of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
1104 Blockley Hall
Penn Medical Ethics
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Bioethics Seminar Series (PBS): Doug MacKay, PhD
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2025-04-08 12:00:00
2025-04-08 13:00:00
Penn Bioethics Seminar Series (PBS): Doug MacKay, PhD
Douglas MacKay, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy
University of North Carolina
Dr. MacKay’s research and teaching interests concern questions at the intersection of justice and public policy. He is currently working on projects concerning the justice of economic inequality – both domestic and global; the ethics of immigration policy; priority setting in health care; the ethics of international clinical research; and justice in the division of responsibilities within federal systems of government.
More detail to follow.
Lunch provided. Streaming available via Zoom.
Hybrid: 1402 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive (and virtual via Zoom)
Penn Medical Ethics
1104 Blockley Hall
Health Policy Research Seminar: Stella Yi, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor of Population Health, NYU
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2025-04-10 12:00:00
2025-04-10 13:00:00
Health Policy Research Seminar: Stella Yi, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor of Population Health, NYU
1104 Blockley Hall
Penn Medical Ethics