January 4, 2022

New Penn Collaboratory Aims to Improve Care for Older Adults

Penn's Jason Karlawish, MD and George Demiris, PhD, FACMI and Cedars Sinai's Jason Moore, PhD, FACMI have been awarded a $20M grant from the National Institute on Aging. These funds will support the Penn Artificial Intelligence and Technology Collaboratory for Healthy Aging, a new collaboratory that will explore the use of artificial intelligence and other technologies to improve in-home care for older adults and individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

From the press release:

PennAITech aims to identify, develop, evaluate, commercialize, and disseminate innovative technology and artificial intelligence (AI) methods and software to support older adults and those with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Diseases in their home environment. It is motivated by the need for a comprehensive pipeline from technology-based monitoring of older adults in the home, collection and processing monitoring data, integration of those data with clinical data from electronic health records, analysis with cutting-edge AI methods and software, and deployment of validated AI models at point of care for decision support.

“Penn is uniquely poised to serve as a research and innovation accelerator based on our expertise in geriatric medicine, aging, Alzheimer’s disease and biomedical informatics,” said Karlawish. “We aim to advance the development of effective solutions that will be used in the real world and ultimately improve the lives of older adults’ and their caregivers.”

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