February 25, 2020 | The Daily Targum

Eagleton Institute hosts Science and Politics workshop on gene editing

Jonathan Moreno, a University of Pennsylvania professor, discussed the topic of gene editing and bioethics as part of the Science and Politics Workshop on Feb. 21. The event was hosted by the Eagleton Institute of Politics.

As the lead speaker, Moreno engaged the audience on the topic of gene editing. Two other professors, T. Patrick Hill, associate professor at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, and Wise Young, distinguished professor in the Department of Neuroscience, were also asked to share their expertise. The event was open to Rutgers graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty and staff.

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) is a gene-editing tool that allows scientists to modify or delete precise portions of our DNA so that we can treat the worst of infectious diseases. Gene editing can now be used to treat the sickle-cell condition in humans and to develop immuno-oncology cell therapy, according to the official website on CRISPR.

“When there are no treatments at all for serious diseases, then you can argue that we do matter, we invoke medical benefits,” Moreno said.

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