March 15, 2018 | The Daily Pennsylvanian

Why Trump's comments on mental health have drawn attention to a Penn professor's work

A 2015 paper by Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy Assistant Professor Dominic Sisti has roared back into conversations as pundits re-evalute how individuals like Nikolas Cruz, Parkland shooter, are treated by the United States mental health system. 

“Mass violence as committed by individuals in the past several years would not be significantly impacted,” Sisti told the DP. 

Sisti added that he disapproved of the term “sicko” that Trump used in discussing the mentally ill. During his campaign in 2016, Trump said that he would dedicate more money to the mental health system to build institutions for these “sickos.” For Sisti, the term contradicts his work to de-stigmatize mental illness and long term care facilities. 

“Like most of what the president says, it is offensive and morally reprehensible,” Sisti said. 

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