April 30, 2019 | Philly.com

Doctors use social media as a way to combat disinformation, stay in touch with patients

In this virtual forum, Inselman met other people who were struggling with the same issues she was, and she began to feel less alone. Inselman lost 60 pounds during the first year with Kyrillos and has been able to keep most of it off. Plus, she has contact with Kyrillos after hours through the Facebook group.

“This Facebook group is her way of being supportive outside of her office,” Inselman said.

For Inselman, as for so many patients these days, using social media as a tool for seeking medical help has become a crucial part of her treatment and/or recovery. And Kyrillos is just one of a rising tide of doctors who are turning to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube as a way to combat disinformation, to stay in touch with their patients, and to bolster and educate them, while at the same time trying to navigate what boundaries are appropriate.

“I’m limited in how much support I can offer in the office,” Kyrillos said. “So [the Facebook group] is a way they feel like they’re more connected to me in a more global way.”

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